sabato 23 luglio 2011

Virtual Spaces

Clouds, gaming, social networking convergence can be used to create Virtual Spaces.

Virtual Space is a space where subject can
  • meet
  • play
  • find and hide objects
It can be personal, shared and public.

Virtual Spaces are "scenarios" with multilevel dimensions and layers.
They could be seen also as platform: personal platform (fun and/or professional platform)

They are "objects" base structured, modular and scalable.

Starting from the more/most personal one, with different level of security and access they can extend their virtual "dimension" in the digital, virtual world.

In this growth people can decide also to merge, share modules coming from the personal to the shared or public single module status.

The approach is the "proximity approach" in term of emotionally, ideally, experience interested context

In Working In Progress status

venerdì 8 luglio 2011

One time - Si racconta -

Legends tell that Isaac Newton, in his teaching times on Cambridge Trinity College, held his lessons even if no student attended.
Indifferent to be alone, he talked to the empty lecture hall.

Si racconta che, quando insegnava al Trinity College di Cambridge, Isaac Newton teneva le lezioni anche se nessuno studente andava ad ascoltarlo.
Incurante del fatto di essere solo, parlava all'aula vuota.
