Knowledge, sharing, relationship, cooperation (interaction) \\\ Conoscenza, condivisione, relazione, cooperazione (interazione)
venerdì 31 agosto 2012
The End User Experience or the Customer Experience creation
The End User Experience or the Customer Experience forms in the point where it finds its solution.
The best approach, then, is to drive it or to speed up its “journey” exactly in this “point”.
Only on it the “positive” End User/Customer Experience forms. In the other “points” you will have, instead, a generic, neutral experience or a negative one.
For this reason the traditional support models with “horizontal tiny/thin lines as End User/Customer entry point” (in the bottom line of the organization) are often ineffective and inefficient and they will, surely, lost effectiveness in the next future.
They will give always a “generic reply” to the End User/Customer need, even if you can allocate a huge number of people (increasing the corporate short or long term cost structure).
Who are not experienced the event to phone to a support line and to be often not completely satisfied at the end of the call or the chat?
New approaches can be implemented using new model structures and strategies and social network and communication and collaboration tools platform and technologies.
This is has the double effect to have a “happy End User/Customer” and, at the same time, an “ambassador” in our “side”.
A connected reflection is that, every time, a “remote”, “off-shore” element is an integral part of our service/solution (internal or external or hybrid/mixed service/solution), the model, practices, strategies that you discover in the internal or the external side can be replicated (“cloned”) and adopted with similar outputs in the other side (external or internal).
For this the investment in knowledge is an important long term key of success.
(draf version - Working in Progress)
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