[Very draft version - on WIP]
The Value of Facebook is not in the markets
[as that of other social media and internet in general]
The Value of Facebook and other social media/network/collaboration tools (when we see the internal application side of this "phenomena") and, in general, of web/internet is not in the markets.
The real value is in the silent transformation that the "phenomena" are driving in our society, in our humans communities.
This is a worldwide phenomenon. In fact, even if some "artificial borders" or cultural borders are created to limit it, its expansion is worldwide. In China, for example, we have a "portfolio" of "open" social media/networks that is similar to those we can find in the rest of the world (thinking to Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and so on...).
We can see real effects that are in citizens, consumers and companies’ behaviors and strategies.
We have some real examples in what happened last year in Tunisia, Egypt and other Arabian countries. In what happens in UK riots (http://terzomiglio.blogspot.com/2012/08/the-magic-formula-people-subtitle-is.html) or in Vancouver riots (http://wasabiwasabiwasabi.blogspot.com/2011/06/when-you-believe-to-understand-me-i.html).
We are individual examples in consumer, citizens side:
[<<Suzy McLeod's complaint about "unfair" charges appears to have touched a raw nerve with frustrated fellow customers of the no-frills airline, after it was backed by more than 350,000 people on Facebook>>]
In the Enterprise side this phenomenon impacts on "level of transparency, confidence" also [without considering the other more core aspects where it acts].
Crisis (built on an imperfect financial markets model and "paradigm") is threatening this evolution, this transformation. And it could be also for this reason that we cannot find "appreciation" on markets.
It is possible that one day will come that this "phenomena" will impact directly on companies corporate strategies and behaviors of Mergers and Acquisitions, Brand valorization, Ethics and Compliance.
And probably shortly will have the first case of company failure linked to this aspect.
[Very draft version - on WIP]
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