venerdì 31 agosto 2012

The End User Experience or the Customer Experience creation

The End User Experience or the Customer Experience forms in the point where it finds its solution.

The best approach, then, is to drive it or to speed up its “journey” exactly in this “point”.
Only on it the “positive” End User/Customer Experience forms. In the other “points” you will have, instead, a generic, neutral experience or a negative one.

For this reason the traditional support models with “horizontal tiny/thin lines as End User/Customer entry point” (in the bottom line of the organization) are often ineffective and inefficient and they will, surely, lost effectiveness in the next future.

They will give always a “generic reply” to the End User/Customer need, even if you can allocate a huge number of people (increasing the corporate short or long term cost structure).

Who are not experienced the event to phone to a support line and to be often not completely satisfied at the end of the call or the chat?

New approaches can be implemented using new model structures and strategies and social network and communication and collaboration tools platform and technologies.
This is has the double effect to have a “happy End User/Customer” and, at the same time, an “ambassador” in our “side”.

A connected reflection is that, every time, a “remote”, “off-shore” element is an integral part of our service/solution (internal or external or hybrid/mixed service/solution), the model, practices, strategies that you discover in the internal or the external side can be replicated (“cloned”) and adopted with similar outputs in the other side (external or internal).

For this the investment in knowledge is an important long term key of success.

(draf version - Working in Progress)

giovedì 23 agosto 2012

The Value of Facebook is not in the markets (financial markets)

[Very draft version - on WIP]

The Value of Facebook is not in the markets
[as that of other social media and internet in general]

The Value of Facebook and other social media/network/collaboration tools (when we see the internal application side of this "phenomena") and, in general, of web/internet is not in the markets.

The real value is in the silent transformation that the "phenomena" are driving in our society, in our humans communities.
This is a worldwide phenomenon. In fact, even if some "artificial borders" or cultural borders are created to limit it, its expansion is worldwide. In China, for example, we have a "portfolio" of "open" social media/networks that is similar to those we can find in the rest of the world (thinking to Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and so on...).

We can see real effects that are in citizens, consumers and companies’ behaviors and strategies.
We have some real examples in what happened last year in Tunisia, Egypt and other Arabian countries. In what happens in UK riots ( or in Vancouver riots (

We are individual examples in consumer, citizens side:
[<<Suzy McLeod's complaint about "unfair" charges appears to have touched a raw nerve with frustrated fellow customers of the no-frills airline, after it was backed by more than 350,000 people on Facebook>>]

In the Enterprise side this phenomenon impacts on "level of transparency, confidence" also [without considering the other more core aspects where it acts].

Crisis (built on an imperfect financial markets model and "paradigm") is threatening this evolution, this transformation. And it could be also for this reason that we cannot find "appreciation" on markets.

It is possible that one day will come that this "phenomena" will impact directly on companies corporate strategies and behaviors of Mergers and Acquisitions, Brand valorization, Ethics and Compliance.

And probably shortly will have the first case of company failure linked to this aspect.

[Very draft version - on WIP]

giovedì 16 agosto 2012

Simplify our Strategy: People with the right attitude should be in “command”

Why managers who proved to be inadequate to formulate strategies [in a long time timeframe] continue to be maintained in an organization.

This is the first question you should answer in order to understand the difference between “words/metrics/slides” and “results/fact/outputs”

We live in an age where people are not responsible/accountable even if we use a terminology that should inspire a high sense of responsibility... here we hear words like "battles to win". This means only a thing that a soldier knows very well: “life or death”.

In Roman Legions the "decimation" ( ) was applied only in cases of mutinous or cowardly soldiers and, however, it was used only in rare cases.
The same happened also on World War I, for example by field marshal Cadorna in the Italian front. But Italian Army started to resist, fight and, at the end, win when Cadorna was removed by another field marshal Armando Diaz that had a different behavior and approach.

This is not a case. The first element of strategy is the human element, so People.
People generate Strategies.

[from the video] ...Why is it that great strategies and appearing to have no impact on organization… the typical answer is we have a great strategy, we have just lost the execution: that’s the “colpa”… the reality , in the most cases when companies fail the executed strategy, is that the strategy itself is a large part of the problem…

People are a large part of the problem…

Only few people have a high strategist attitude.
Organization should be structured to be able to identify, selected and put in charge the right people. Only in this way you can continue to create, capture and sustain the economic value, so what a firm strategy should be.

You can fight as a Spartan or you can fight as a “Xerxes I of Persia /Cadorna”
A Spartan does not kill his Brothers in arms because in his Warrior Spirit he knows the value of Life.

martedì 17 luglio 2012

Where the "form" has its limit and Content not: Social Media

Oggi ho avuto il piacere come facevo piu' spesso molto tempo fa di andare ad ascoltare una conferenza su un'area che mi interessa in modo particolare, su una delle mie passioni: quella dei social media, social networks, collaboration tools.

Il tema specifico era: "Ma nel B2B si può fare marketing con i social network?"
Le riflessioni e presentazioni sono state di Giuliano Noci e Marcus Starke (Marcus Starke).
Giuliano Noci - Professore Ordinario di Marketing, PoliMi
Marcus Starke - Senior Vice PresidentSAP Worldwide Marketing Regions

La risposta e' stata: SI
[e le presentazioni e riflessioni sono state molto interessanti]

Una risposta che condivido... non ultimo il 24 luglio 2012 in una piattaforma social media aziendale in una discussione su Content Strategy and Viral Video scrivevo:

<<...B2B and B2C both to be targeted. Besides in the era of social networks and mobility/mobile, people are (could be) in the same time employees, end users, consumers, customer, influencers, co-creators.  And even if these aspects did not exist, also in the past, I guess that B2B and B2C sometimes are not so defined till arriving in some customer segments to be confused, to be overlapped, to be the same environment and “actor”. Being...>>

ma in realta' non avevo ancora trovato una chiave che definisse questo concetto in modo sintetico.

La coo creazione e' un fenomeno che non ha una dimensione spazio/temporale definita e che rimane "sia un fenomeno personale, sia collettivo".

ed ecco perche' la mia riflessione e' stata completata da Marcus Starke con il concetto di B2P (Business to People)

quindi se B2P significa business to employees, end users, consumers, customer, influencers, co-creators si arriva ad una sostanziale convergenza tra i modelli di B2B e B2C.

Sono felice in modo particolare perche' molte mie idee, riflessioni, visioni stanno prendendo forma e cambiando il mondo reale.
Prima sul lato consumers, ora sempre piu' anche nel mondo delle imprese disegnando un nuovo paradigma/modello di business e sociale.

WIP - Draft version

venerdì 29 giugno 2012

ROD, ROI and the Digital credibility

March 11, 2012 : )

The Third Layer of Reality

The Third Layer of Reality : )

addendum on Nov1, 2013
[in this date I feel the need to start to talk something that is very clear in my mind at least for different years. Maybe is something old... for me: ). The trigger was a facebook post...
In realtà esiste già da tempo "a Third Layer of Reality" (,  un Terzo Livello di Realtà che si pone esattamente in mezzo a quello che io chiamo il World Inside (il Mondo Interiore) e il World Outside (il Mondo Esterno). Chi mi segue avrà molto spesso letto nei miei posts queste espressioni (senza capirne ne il significato, ne la periodicità...). Ecco spiegato in parte il significato... Il Third Layer of Reality è un luogo "di mezzo", "una terra di mezzo" dove le Emozioni, i Pensieri ed Altro...  passano da un livello “fluido” e personale,  che esiste in ognuno di noi nel Mondo Interiore, a qualcosa di molto “diverso” venendo fissato su un “supporto” non fisico/digitale che, allo stesso tempo, ha particolari caratteristiche e che dona/attacca/unisce particolari caratteristiche ha tutto quello che ne diviene parte. Il tutto si caratterizza come un “Terzo Livello di Realtà” (attenzione questo Terzo Livello è qualcosa di anteriore e di molto diverso dalla “Realtà Aumentata”, altro tema “fashion” di discussione in questi tempi).
In realtà gli studiosi, accademici, uomini di business che stanno iniziando ora a parlare di questa “cosa”, legati molto spesso ad una visione anglosassone, sono orientati a vederne primariamente una enfasi /focalizzazione commerciale e di business collegata alla dimensione dell’uso/possesso/proprietà che l’elemento della “fissazione” in questo supporto/piattoforma-e genera.
In realtà tutto questo è solo un piccolo sottoinsieme di un vero fenomeno antropologico e sociale che sta investando l’evoluzione del genere umano.

completed in my mind
but sharing on WIP...

venerdì 9 marzo 2012

We need to start telling things in a different way

We need to start telling things in a different way
But to do this we must start to be different or remind us that we were

Dobbiamo iniziare a raccontare le cose in una maniera differente
ma per fare questo dobbiamo iniziare ad essere differenti o ricordarci che lo eravamo.

[Designing new "lines" in Reality]
[In the Outside and Inside World border]
Virtual Arena, March 9, 2012 Zulu 08:30